
transitional phase中文是什么意思

  • 过渡相



  • 例句与用法
  • Such dreams are associated with a major change in your life , a rise in status or a transitional phase
  • " we are preparing what we call a transitional phase to help them be able to manage , operate and maintain the assets that is being left .
    “我们目前准备所谓的过渡时期来帮助他们运营,管理及保留剩下的财产。 ”
  • " we are preparing what we call a transitional phase to help them be able to manage , operate and maintain the assets that is being left .
  • " we are preparing what we call a transitional phase to help them be able to manage , operate and maintain the assets that is being left .
    “我们正准备我们所谓的过渡阶段,以帮助他们能够管理、经营以及维持所留下来的资产。 ”
  • The phenomena that confession turns to be a hot topic is the result of the longing and expectation for morality and sincerity of the social psychology in the transitional phase , which is upgraded to the height of ideology and represented in several forms
  • Carboniferous strata , more than 1000m in thick in the area of hexi corridor to bayan haot basin , is the coal measures of transitional phase , in which there are three kinds of hydrocarbon source rocks including dark mudstone , limestone , coal and carbonaceous mudstone
  • The results show that there are really obvious scintillation in gcrs intensity at the periods of 10 - 60 minutes as expected by many scientists , such as dorman , et al . then we analyzed the data observed at beijing snm between two solar cycles " transitional phases by using wavelet method
    我们还计算了几个磁暴前银河宇宙线强度的短周期的变化特征,计算结果显示,磁暴前银河宇宙线强度在10 ? 60分钟范围内出现明显的闪烁,这是磁暴前银河宇宙线强度变化的的一种先兆特征。
  • But some enterprises lack systematic thought in informative construction , especially for those enterprises which are now in the transitional phase to flat structural system , they often dismissed the phenomenon that the middle - level contradiction shifts to the two poles therefore a lot of information block in the middle - level , all these greatly obstructed the development of enterprise informative construction
  • The urban spatial structure in this paper is the inner one of a city , is the spatial reflection of the mankind ' s various social economic activities and the function organization of the particular city region , it includes the structure of land use , the spatial structure of economy , the spatial distribute of the population , the spatial structure of employment , the transportation network structure , social spatial structure , the spatial structure of living activities , etc . by field survey of 1134 land - value samples of urban region of siping , based on the correlative theories of the regional economics , economic geography , urban geography and urban economics , adopted the gis and the quantitative and qualitative methods , this article analyzes the character and problems of the spatial structure of siping city during the transitional phase from temporal and spatial factors , discusses the influences of the land - value on the urban spatial structure from temporal , spatial and structural dimension , put forwards the countermeasures that optimizes the spatial structure under the constraint of land - value
    本文所指的城市空间结构为城市内部的空间结构,是人类的各种社会经济活动和功能组织在特定城市地域上的空间投影,包括土地利用结构、经济空间结构、人口空间分布、就业空间结构、交通网络结构、社会空间结构、生活活动空间结构等。本文通过对四平市城区1134个地价样点数据的实地调查,在综合运用区域经济学、经济地理学、城市地理学、城市经济学等相关学科理论的基础上,采用gis ,运用定性与定量相结合的方法,从时间、空间两个序列分析了转型期四平城市空间结构特征和存在问题,并从地价的时间、空间和构成等三方面探讨了转型期四平市地价对城市空间结构的影响,提出了地价约束条件下优化四平城市空间结构的对策。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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